District Info » LISD on Social Media

LISD on Social Media

Lexington ISD has the following Social Media & Text Feeds Available.
Text System
If you want School Day Morning Alerts (7:10am), score updates, schedule changes, school related events, and you do not want Twitter or Facebook accounts, please sign up for our Text Alert System.
To Sign-up text @lisdinfo to 81010
The system will request your Full Name and if you are a Parent, Student, or Teacher.
If you only want to be notified of School Emergencies and you do not want a Facebook or Twitter Account, please sign-up for our Emergency Alert Text System. Please DO NOT Sign-up for Both. Any messages sent to Emergency group will also be sent to the Info Group.
To Sign-up text @lisdeam to 81010
The system will request your Full Name and if you are a Parent, Student, or Teacher.
LISD has the Following Facebook Pages:
LISD on Twitter
Lexington ISD has two main Twitter Feeds:
LexingtonISD and LexISDEEE
Lexington ISD sends daily updates, schedule changes, game scores, etc. 
LexISDEEE is used to Retweet what our staff and student groups tweet. 
Lexington ISD Eagle Excellence Every Day