Eagles Care » Eagles Care

Eagles Care

If you are experiencing an Emergency, please call 911.
Below are options for reporting bullying, counseling request, facility issues, compliments, or general requests.
TipTxT - Reporting an Issue - You may either send a TipTxT or complete one of the forms below. TipTxT can accept text messages, phone calls, images, and videos.
If you want to simply send a text message, please send your report to
- This is an anonymous report, however you may also send your name and number, if you would like to be contacted.
Bullying - If you or someone you know has been bullied, please click here to report the incident.
Counseling - If you or someone you know needs to speak to one of our campus counselors, please click here to request help.
Facility Issue - If you are a visitor or student and would like to report something that needs to be cleaned or repaired, please click here to report the issue.
or Simply Send an Email to: [email protected]
However, the email option is not anonymous.
DialCare a virtual counseling program.
Available For Our Lexington High School and Lexington Middle School Students
If you have never used DialCare - please follow this link to register 
If you have registered before, please use this link to login again:
iWatchTexas Website
We encourage you to report any concerns you may have related to potential threats to the safety and security of any school, student or faculty member in the state of Texas.

This site is not designed to report emergencies. If this is an emergency, call 911.

All school safety reports will be reviewed by local law enforcement, school resource officers, or designated Texas Education personnel. Although not required, providing your contact information will allow follow up questions, and if you prefer to report by telephone, please contact 844-643-2251.

The report should take less than 5 minutes to complete.
Additional Resources
LISD TipTxT / Help Line: 979-773-3018
LISD Help Email: [email protected]
iWatch Texas: Dial 844-643-2251
Crisis Hotline: Dial 988
Crisis Text Line: Text HELLO to 740741
Emergency Services: Dial 911