Parent Portal Now Ready

The Parent Portal is now ready.
Last week we sent an email from our parent groups system and our new Skyward System.  If you did not receive either of those emails and you would like access into the parent portal (on gradebook), please complete this form
If you received the email, and do not know your password, please enter your email address you used when you registered your student.  The system will assist you in logging in.  
If that does not work, please complete this form so we can correct the issues. Skyward Parent Portal Access Issues Reporting Form
Help Session
If you are unable to complete the attached form or are continuing to have probelms, we will have be providing a help session on January 7th from 4:00pm until 8:00pm in the LMS Library.  The Library can be accessed from the West Door of the Middle School Closest to the Baptist Church. 
For additional help with the new Skyward System, please visit the

Skyward Family Access Toolkit for Parents & Guardians

The Skyward Family Access Toolkit has FAQ's and help videos.