Special Education

Special Education

Lexington ISD is responsible for identifying, locating, and evaluating all children with disabilities who are in need of special education and related services and who live within the school district’s boundaries. Children who have a disability or who are suspected of having a disability may be referred to Lexington ISD.

For children who are school age (ages 3-21), contact the elementary, middle school, or high school. For children birth through age 2, call the Early Childhood Intervention - Bastrop ECI/Pride at 512-321-7180 or Lexington Special Education Director @ 979-773-2254 Ext. 3251.

Instructional Options

Speech/Language Services increases classroom learning through improved student communication using spoken and written language or alternative communication systems.

Transition Services promotes movement from school to post-school activities, including postsecondary education, vocational training, integrated employment, continuing adult education and independent living.

Resource Services increases student learning through specialized instruction with instructional and/or content accommodations and modifications, specialized materials or modification of the learning environment outside of the general education classroom.

Inclusion Mainstream Services provides direct services to students in the general education classroom through general education teachers sharing instructional responsibilities.

Occupational and Physical Therapy Services helps students with physical disabilities obtain their educational goals through direct or consultative services, individual and classroom equipment modification and staff training.

Counseling Services provides support for students in either group or individual setting with regard to behavioral or academic needs as determined by the A R D committee.

Social Work Services work in partnership with parents on those problems in a child's living situation (home, school, and community) that affect the child's adjustment in school.

L.I.F.E. Skills Services ( Living Independently through Functional Education) provides specialized instruction in functional academics and independent living skill in specialized instructional settings.

Adapted Physical Education helps students progress in psychomotor, cognitive, and affective areas through functional school and community based-physical education activities.

Behavioral Improvement Services supports students with emotional or conduct disorders through a behavior instruction, a specialized instructional setting, and behavior feedback systems. Services are provided for student taught in general education classes or specialized instructional setting for small groups. Direct counseling services for the student, consultative services for the students and coordination of school and agency efforts are available.

Content Mastery supports students with disabilities in general education classes, necessary instructional accommodations and modifications are made that maximize student success. After direct instruction, individual assistance is available in all subjects to ensure the mastery of the instructional content of each course.

Homebound provides a continuation of educational instruction for pupils who (because of illness, accidents and/or other conditions - physical or emotional) are unable to attend a regular or special classroom.

Pre-school Program for Children with Disabilities provides a continuum of services to children ages three to five with identified disabilities. Services are provided in both general education and specialized instructional settings. Students with disabilities are educated with typically developing peers in the Child Development Center - WEE Eagles

Vocational Adjustment Class provides vocational training through either paid or unpaid employment.
Updates In Special Education

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The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.


Contact information:


Phone: 1-855-773-3839

Email: [email protected]

Live Chat: www.spedtex.org